Everyone gathered for our daily flag raising, but wait – that’s not the American flag, it’s the MARVEL COMICS flag. Cue whistles and cheering and this…..


We all went into the Dining Hall to find colored streamers on tables which indicated the teams for each bunk and then we watched this video to set the scene….



So there you have it. The powerful villain Thanos has stolen Captain America and the Avengers are called upon to help! Each team was led by their captains:

Green Hulk

Gold Thor

Red Ironman

Blue Captain Marvel

After morning team meetings, everyone participated in games on the field and in the pool. Silent lunch is always a popular one (for me, at least!) and then a full camp bucket brigade, followed by a backwards scavenger hunt and a bunk trivia game. While some campers competed in these activities during the day, others were working hard on team banners and skits which were presented tonight at my favorite – Closing Ceremonies!

After a long, exciting day of teamwork, competition and sportsman, does it really matter who won?

Well, okay – if you really want to know…the winner of AVENGERS GAMES 2019 is……drumroll please….


It sure was a MARVEL-ous day here at Camp Louise!




Today’s Birthdays

Happy UN-Birthday!

Today’s Menu


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Egg McA&L | English Muffins | Egg Patty | Meatless Sausage | Cheese | Melon, Fajitas | Chicken | Beef | Tortillas | Peppers & Onions | Salsa | Rice | Bean & Corn Salad | Salad Bar | Pasta Bar, Pizza | Sauteed Veggies | Caesar Salad | Zucchini Fries | Salad Bar | Pasta Bar


Today’s Weather

High: 85°F | Low: 66°F – The rain held off and it was a perfect day for Color Games!

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