What a perfect middah/value that we focused on this week. With new campers coming in last weekend, we talked about curiosity/sakranut. What better way to make a new friend than to be curious about new bunkmates? How often do we just make snap judgments about people without really getting to know them? We encouraged the learning of interests and talents about the people joining our camp community this week. After all, isn’t that what Middah Girl would do?!

The group of campers who were nominated to light candles on Shabbat all demonstrated curiosity by:

  • Trying new things and making new friends
  • Always asking questions when coming to the farm
  • Thinking of creative solutions and following up later because she is so interested and curious
  • Spending a lot of time in the White House learning as much as she can about the history of Camp Louise
  • Asking what a Unit Leader was working on and then offering to help
  • Testing her curiosity by learning to ride a bike for the CA Overnight
  • Pushing herself to new heights on the Via Ferrata
  • Always making an effort to talk to everyone in the CIT community
  • Never stopping being curious about other people and new experiences

Let’s take a lesson from this group of campers and be a little bit more curious! It certainly can lead to great new experiences, knowledge, and friendships!

Shabbat Shalom,



Today’s Birthdays

Abby – Bunk 23


Today’s Menu
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Today’s Weather

High: 88°F | Low: 68°F
This week’s weather has been truly phenomenal!


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