Candle Lighting

Every day, the Daily is distributed at camp. This is our daily newspaper with all the latest and greatest about the goings-on of camp. A featured part of the Daily is our middah section. Each week, we focus on a different middah (value). This week was truth/honesty (emet). Throughout the week, we talk about ways that we can demonstrate the middah. My favorite discussion point in the Daily this week was:

Today, pay attention to being truthful whether anyone is watching or not.

How true this is, but how easy to sometimes forget.

Campers and staff are nominated to light candles with me during our Shabbat services on Friday night because they have demonstrated the Middah of the Week. This week, two campers were chosen to light the candles. They proudly stood with me in Solarium as we lit the Shabbat candles. After our service, they used the flame of the candles to light a torch that they then carried down to the Dining Hall.

Leading the entire camp, we walked to dinner. On the way, the campers told me how honored they were to be called up to light the candles. Their acts of truth and honesty are simply how they live their lives. They are good friends to others, and they put others first. When we arrived at the Dining Hall before going in, I asked them to turn around and look at the hundreds of people they were leading. It was a great sight and they smiled with pride.

We walked into the Dining Hall. The campers had brought the light from the Shabbat candles we had lit just moments ago into the Dining Hall and they lit the candelabra with the beautiful torch. We enjoyed a great Shabbat dinner and ended the meal with Birkat and Days Pass (a camp favorite) as the candles continued to glow.

As we celebrate our first Shabbat of summer 2015, it is hard to believe one week is already over.

Shabbat Shalom!


Director, Camp Louise

Today’s Birthdays

It is kind of amazing to me that once again we have no birthdays today at camp…..maybe tomorrow?!



Today’s Menu
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Today’s Weather

High: 81°F | Low: 65°F
The rain from last night cooled things off and we had a lovely day here at Camp Louise!


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